Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fingers vs. Pacifier??

Owen has never really been crazy about his pacifier. He likes it when he needs it for comfort which is usually right before he falls asleep. When he's done, out it comes. For weeks we could tell that he really wanted to suck on his fingers, but since he had yet to figure out that he could control his hands he wasn't able to do it. Now he has it all figured out and he loves to suck on his fingers. Here's the dilemma...should I put a pacifier in his mouth every time he tries to suck his finger? I mean you can always take away a pacifier, but his hand is attached to him. Here's what I think...either way he is going to have to unlearn sucking either a pacifier or his fingers. Also a pacifier can be lost or forgotten so in a time of need fingers could come in very handy (no pun intended). If you have an opinion on the matter or first hand experience please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan used a pacifier until he lost the last of them and I refused to but anymore. HE did just fine without it. Derek used one until, like Owen, he discovered his fingers. Then he had trouble "choosing" which ones he would use. Derek prefers his index & middle fingers together. I think each kid is different and you have to let them choose. Neither is an easy habit to break, but fingers are great when you're driving and can't find the pacifier that's hidden in the car seat.
