Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Breastfeeding picture (It's decent)

Since Owen has learned to use his little hands he has been reaching for everything. When I breastfeed at home I don't use a cover-up cloth because it's just the three of us so there is no need. When we go out however I like to be modest and I'm sure the people around me appreciate that. Well Owen likes to reach up and touch my face when he's eating and when I use the cover-up I've been told it looks like something out of the movie Alien to see this hand pop up out from under the cover-up. Our good friend Ellen took this picture on Sunday after Owen's dedication. We all went out to eat at The Old Country Buffet and Owen needed to eat too. She thought it was too cute that he was putting his hand on my chest like this so she snapped a picture.

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