Monday, July 2, 2007

Flaming Geyser State Park

Yesterday after church we decided to go out to Flaming Geyser State Park and have a picnic. Michael packed a nice picnic lunch and then we headed out. I hadn't been there since I was a kid so I didn't even know what was there. When we go there we found a table and had lunch. We were silly though because we forgot a blanket so we couldn't lay on the grass and play with Owen (He was cranky and tired so it probably wouldn't have happened anyway), we didn't bring anything to play with and we forgot the Snuggly so we couldn't really go for a hike very easily either. Michael and I are more indoor people anyways so it didn't surprise me that we were so ill-prepared. I would like to become a more outdoor person for Owen's sake. There is so much to see and do outside and I don't want him to be one of those kids that sits in front of the TV all day playing video games. I want him to run and play and use his imagination. Okay, back to Flaming Geyser State Park, there wasn't much to do at the park unless you brought a bunch of friends and volleyball net or you were going to go tubing or rafting down the Green River. So we only stayed for lunch and then packed up and headed home. We did stop at a nice fruit stand where I got some berries, apricots and nectarines. YUMMY! One more thing, would someone explain to me why it's called Flaming Geyser State Park? I never saw a Flaming Geyser!!


  1. I've never been there, but I thought there was supposed to be a geyser there somewhere.

    According to this site:

    "The park's most unique feature is its "geysers" (methane seeps). Park activities include whitewater rafting, tubing, and model airplane flying."

    Sorry for the messy link, but apparently blogger doesn't allow hyperlinks in comments.

  2. You must have to hike somewhere to see that because we drove all the way to the end and didn't see any geyser. Oh well just an excuse to go back I guess.
