Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good Sleeper

Owen has really been doing well sleeping without being swaddle. He just rolls right over and sleeps on his tummy. Yesterday afternoon he was playing on the floor in the family room and he just put his head down and fell asleep. About 30-40 minutes later he just woke up and started playing again. He's really starting to be able to entertain himself for a little while now. The picture above was taken yesterday morning. He slept so well, almost 12 hours. He did wake up at 6am to eat, but then back to bed and I finally woke him up at 9am! Such a sleepy head!


  1. How has he been doing in the sweltering heat? It's been making it very difficult for me to sleep.

  2. He actually did pretty well. No really changes, still sleeping at least 10 hours every night.
