Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I'm am so surprised how well last night went. It was Owen's first night sleeping ALL night without being swaddled. He went to bed at 8:15 and didn't cry one bit. At 9:00 when Michael and I came upstairs he must have heard us because he woke up and started crying. Right off the bat I told myself you are not going in to check on him for at least 20 minutes. The methods we've been using since Owen was born came from the book Becoming Baby Wise and it says that you can't undo all the love that is given during the day with a little crying. So Owen cried for 18 minutes and put himself back to sleep. The last time we tried to get him to sleep without being swaddled Michael and I were going in every hour to give him his pacifier so I didn't want to start that up again. Around 10:00 he started crying again and this time he only cried for 10 minutes. I went to bed at 11:00 and woke up a little before 4:00 and he hadn't cried since 10:00!! YAHOO!!! He did start crying a little after 4:00, but only for about 3 minutes. At 6:00 when Michael woke up I went in and checked on him and he was asleep on his tummy. Babies sleeping on their tummies are so cute. The funny thing is he's sleeping exactly like I do with one arm up by his face and one leg bent.

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