Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Little Gym

Yesterday I took Owen to his first class at The Little Gym and it was so much fun. He did so well! He's never really been one to get overstimulated and freak out, but I wasn't 100% confident that it would good completely smooth, but it did! There were about 12 kids in all and with The Little Gym program the 4 - 10 month olds are known as Bugs. There were quite a few kids that were around Owen's age so that was nice to see. The youngest in our class was 5 months old and all she really wanted to do was lay on her tummy. There were 2 or 3 kids that were already crawling and a bunch that will be joining them very soon. During class we sing songs and use bells, do exercises to strengthen the babies core, stimulate them with color and rhythm, let them explore each other, the gym equipment and have fun with bubbles. It's a weekly class that lasts 45 minutes and I'm really looking forward to going every week with Owen and using what we learn during the week at home.

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