Thursday, October 25, 2007

Road Trip

Over the weekend we attended a family wedding down in Salem, Oregon. We left on Saturday morning and took our time driving down. We went out Hwy 101 and ate lunch in Astoria, Oregon and then drove down to Seaside. It was actually pretty nice in Seaside, but Owen had just fell asleep so we decided to just keep driving. Next summer we are planning on going back when Owen can actually run around and dig in the sand. We arrived in Salem around 4ish, plenty of time to change, get some fast food and make it to the wedding at 6, right? Nope!!! With numerous errors on my part while driving we ended up being late to the wedding, but fortunately most weddings don't start on time and this one was no exception so we didn't end up missing anything. Michael's cousin Carissa looked gorgeous in her dress as did all the bridesmaids. The wedding was touching with Carissa's mom Terri walking her down the aisle and her Grandpa Roy & Uncle Dave "giving" her away to Ryan. Jessie Lynn (Carissa's sister) entertained us with 3 songs during the evening. Her voice is absolutely breathtaking! After the service there was desserts and dancing. Owen got to meet Michael's side of the family and "dance" with some of the baby girls in the family. In the picture above he is sitting with Aunt Vicki and Kayla. Kayla was born a couple months after Owen. We ended up leaving the wedding at 8:30 since both Daddy & Owen were exhausted. The next day we had lunch with some of the family members and then it was time to get on the road again. Overall Michael and I were really surprised with how well Owen did in car. He was a really trooper!

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