Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cold Stone

Lately I have been seeing this commercial for Cold Stone Creamery and it's just down right evil of them. I don't know how you could resist getting in your car and going to the nearest one after seeing this commercial. Anyway last night after dinner we did just that...we hopped in the car at 7:00pm and headed out. It took me forever to figure out what to get though because there are so many wonderful choices. In the end I got chocolate ice cream with carmel sauce and pecans mixed in. YUMMY! Michael thinks chocolate his disgusting so he got something with cookie dough in it. Owen got to share mommy's ice cream and stay up past his bedtime so it was was treats all around!


  1. Cold Stone is so good and yet so unhealthy. Luckily I don't have one near me and don't go anywhere with any regularity that has one so I don't have that temptation. I almost always end up with coffee flavored ice cream and at least toffee in it. I've really got to find a Cold Stone.....

  2. How funny! I've been wanting Cold Stone all week! :) I'm trying to convince Micah to take me on Friday. Yum, yum!
