Monday, April 28, 2008

In Position

I had another Doctor's appointment on Thursday to see how Jack is doing. Soon I'll be going to the Doctor's every week instead of every other week. Sheesh! Anyways I gained another 3lbs so it's official I have gained more weight with this pregnancy than I did with Owen. In fact I'm getting so big I only have a handful of shirts that will still fit me. I'll have Michael take a picture of me and post it later. My Doctor was overbooked today so I saw the Doctor that delivered my niece Samantha back in November. She felt Jack and thought that he still felt like he was breached, but decided to do an ultrasound just to be sure. Come to find out he is actually head down! I was super surprised and a little nervous. I had pretty much convinced myself that we were going to have another C-Section so to think about having to push this baby out is a little scary. I know most people wouldn't want a C-Section, but since I've been through one already I know what to expect and I recovered really fast. Since I have already had one C-Section there still is a chance that I won't be able to push Jack out, but just in case I have started doing all of the exercises I need to in preparation to have a natural birth. I sure hope Jack wants out soon though because I'm getting more and more uncomfortable and exhausted everyday.


  1. Owen was early, Jack might be too! I just looked at your blog a few days ago, and the cartoon baby was not up side down yet. I can't believe how fast they move. Can you feel the baby if they move around like that?

    Got your email, will respond soon-- we have puppies to visit tonight...

  2. I think Jack has probably been head down for a while because I didn't feel him like totally flip over. I think he did that when he was probably smaller so I didn't feel it as much. If he flipped over now I would most certainly feel it!!! OUCH!
