Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Owen's New Room

We finally got everything on the walls in Owen's new room. I just love how it turned out. I have envisioned this room in my head for a while now and it turned out better than I thought it would. I just love the bright colors. The only thing I'm still trying to find is a light blue, lime green or bright orange bean bag chair. I've been able to find bean bag chairs, but they are all girly colors or sport team logos. If anyone see one that would go with his room please let me know.


  1. One question: what's that orange thing over in the right corner of the top picture that looks like a garbage chute from a construction site?

  2. It's one of those hanging net things from IKEA. Actually most of the stuff is from IKEA in his room. It has different sections to store stuff. Right now it has socks and hats in it.
