Monday, April 21, 2008

Yard Project

We have done a lot of work to our house in the 2 1/2 years we have lived here. Most of that has been to the inside. Last year Michael did paint the outside and we had new gutters installed, but other than that the outside of the house has been neglected...particularly the yard. I despise yard work. I don't mind mowing, but that's about it. Michael doesn't really enjoy it either so that has left us with few options for getting the necessary work done. When we lived at our condo before moving here it was perfect, they took care of the yard and we had a 3 foot by 8 foot section of garden that was ours and that was plenty for me. We planted tomatoes, beans, pansies and sunflowers and that was all we needed.

Anyway...Michael has gotten a fire under him to make the front yard look nice this year. The front yard is not that big, but it's a nice size and it shouldn't take too much money to fix it up. Our backyard is another story, I'm not sure if we'll ever get it the way we would like too because it will cost so much money. We need to build a retaining wall to level the yard and do a whole bunch of other things. It might just end up being the next owners problem. The front yard on the other hand is totally "do-able" when it comes to fixing up. On Michael's to do list are...

- Rake moss out of the yard
- Aerate the lawn
- Put new topsoil on the lawn, level it and re-seed
- Put in new curbing around the yard
- Build a 3 ft high fence with a gate to give Owen a safe place to play outside
- Remove rosebushes and other irritating shrubbery around the yard
- Put new topsoil in the flower beds
- Plant new low maintenance plants

Yesterday we went to Lowes to buy our first batch of materials and we got under $500 so that's good, but boy does Michael have his work cut out for him.

Raking out the moss! What fun!
Owen does such a good job supervising! Punkin just loved rolling around in the pile of moss that Michael just raked from the lawn.

1 comment:

  1. Punkin is gorgeous!!!! and knowing Michael, he will do a fantastic job on the yard.
