Monday, August 4, 2008

Full Day in Seattle!

While my side of the family was here from Wyoming we wanted to take them to all the normal tourist attractions here in Seattle. Our first stop was the Museum of Flight. My Uncle Cliff is one of the tour guides there so he gave us a private tour. The picture above is at the start of the tour. We picked a really great day to go to the museum because the Blue Angels were flying in. We even got to see the pilots walk into the museum after they landed. They looked pretty nice in their uniforms.
This is my cousin Rhonda and her two kids Dillon and Tiffy goofing off in the kids area of the museum.
This is about the only happy moment Owen had all day. He was coming down with something so he's wasn't in the best mood.

Our next stop was the Space Needle where the adventure really started. We decided to just pay for the valet parking that's right at the base of the Needle so we wouldn't have to walk far. My Aunt Linda decided she would help with the kids so she got Owen out of the car. That's when things took a turn for the worse. Somehow she got her finger slammed in the door. It looked really bad so my Dad took her and my Uncle Lee to Swedish to have it looked at. They ended up being gone the entire rest of the day. My Aunt found out she broke her finger and she had to have nail removed and 4 stitches.

While my Aunt was off at the hospital we continued with our tourist fun by going to the top of the Needle. Jack and Ga-Ga were down at the bottom because Ga-Ga was in a wheelchair from her recent knee replacement and didn't feel like going up. Besides she's been to the top a number of times. She watched Jack for me since they don't allow strollers up at the top and that would have been a bit difficult trying to hold two babies. Owen wasn't too thrilled with being up there. He wasn't scared, but he wasn't happy either.

Later on after we visited the International Fountain we finally got Owen to take a nap in the stroller. It was funny we had two strollers and a wheel chair to push around. Thankfully we had enough people to push them all. After the fountain we went to the Pacific Science Center and hung out for a little bit and then went on some of the rides over by the EMP. We finally got the call that my Aunt Linda had been seen and was all finished up at the hospital. We met them over at the valet parking and got in the cars to go home. Michael was sweet enough to have dinner all ready by the time we got home. And if that wasn't enough action for one day after dinner we went down to the Redondo pier and walked the boardwalk. Too much fun for one day!!!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to the museum of flight since I was in high school. I'm way overdue for another trip.

    And having shut my own finger in a car door before, I can tell you from experience that a) it hurts, and b) your PIP will cover that.
