Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kodak Moment

I know what you're all saying, "How could you sit there and take a picture while you're child's head is stuck in the banister?" Okay for one thing I checked his head and neck first to make sure he wasn't really in pain and second I only snapped a couple pictures and then got him out of there.

How did he get in his position in the first place you ask? Well Owen and I have been playing this kissing game where I will kiss him through the slats in the banister so while I was downstairs he tried it by himself. The only thing keeping his head stuck was his ears! All I had to do was hold them close to his head and he came right out. Let's hope he doesn't try this again when his head is bigger and the only way to get it out is slathering it with butter. Does that even work???

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