Monday, August 4, 2008

Toddler Bed

A few weeks back when Owen had his fever we let him sleep in bed with us and then while we were out at the ocean he slept with us again part of the time. Today he wasn't feeling so hot so he slept with me in our bed. Also the other night when Michael told him it was time to go to bed Owen started walking towards his room, but then stopped turned around and went to our bed and pointed at it. No, no we are not going to make a habit of this. We are thinking he is ready for a bigger boy bed. Not a twin bed just yet, but a toddler bed. The nice thing about toddler beds is you just use the crib mattress so we don't have to go out and buy a new mattress yet. The picture above is the bed that I just bought online from Wal-Mart. It's super cute and it will go with the dressers I have for the boys room. I actually went ahead and bought 2 of these beds so they will match since Owen and Jack will most likely be sharing a room eventually.

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