Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Owen Speak Part Three

Owen is a genius I tell you...of course every mother thinks this about their child and rightfully so! In the last couple of days he's learned even more. He's a sponge I tell ya!

He can now say...

"Mal man" - Mailman

He can now make the correct noises for the following animals when asked...Lion, Kitty, Puppy, Horsey and Cow.

The newest body part he points to when asked are his nipples. :)

Owen also loves the phrase "all dun". He says it all the time. He waits for us to finish eating or drinking so he can say it. This morning I was nursing Jack and I was switching sides...when Owen saw that I was fixing my bra he raised his hands in the air and said "all dun". I love that he understands that that is how Jack gets his food.

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