Friday, December 19, 2008

The 13 Dates of Christmas...Past, Future & Presents (Date 8)

This morning Michael gave me another card and present to open. He had me open the present first which was a picture of the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train Train Station and the Zales Jewelry sign. See back during my senior year of high school one of our schools trips was to go on the Murder Mystery train. That night before we went on the train Michael said let's go shopping. He took me to South Center Mall and we went to all the jewelry stores in the mall looking for the perfect ring. We had been talking about marriage almost from the beginning of our relationship. By this time we had only been going out for 3 months. So that night Michael bought me my engagement ring. It wasn't a conventional engagement was a band of diamonds not a solitaire, but it was what I wanted at the time. By the time we got married he had bought another band of diamonds to go with it and a marque cut diamond to go in the center. I love my wedding ring and it turned out better than I could have hope for since I just couldn't find anything I liked in the stores.

Anyways back to the date for Michael took me back to South Center Mall so I could look at jewelry. I've been dying to get a princess cut ring for the last few years. We went to Zales and didn't really find anything we liked, then we went to Weisfields and saw one that we liked, but we wanted to keep looking. So we went across the way to Ben Bridge, but they weren't really interested in our business since it took over 5 minutes to even get anyone's attention. I just felt that we needed to go to one jewelry store in particular so we looked at the map of the mall and found where it was. They were so helpful and sweet. They had 3 rings that I was going back and forth with and then I narrowed it down to 2. But after comparing them I chose my ring. It's not just my Christmas present it's also an early 10 year wedding anniversary present. I'm still in shock that I have a new ring. It has to be sized, but I'm going to have that done after Christmas so I can show it off first. The coolest thing about the ring is it was on sale so we saved $1,000!!!!

Isn't it beautiful!!!
I guess the slogan for the store is right....Every Kiss Begins with Kay!!!


  1. WOW - What a lucky gal you are!! That is a beautiful ring and congrats on almost 10 years of marriage. I still have 5 more years to catch up (lol). Enjoy that beautiful ring.

  2. HOW GORGEOUS!!!!! That ring is REALLY BEAUTIFUL!! How on earth is he going to top this! You have a wonderful husband, Lyndsay. And not only that, but just look at his expression while he's kissing you. He really loves you. He looks like he is melting from your kiss. Awwwwwwwww.
