Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Michael's Mom and Dad's house. I made Taco Soup for everyone for dinner. It was SO yummy! We had a good time hanging out with family. The boys stayed up WAY past their bedtime, but they both did great.
Grandpa Martin had to work, but he got home around 7pm so we waited to open presents until then.
Paige was so excited this year because she's 4 now and she can eat dairy. She's been horribly allergic to it since she was born, but they started out giving her a little bit each day and she's doing great so they think she's just grown out of it. YAY!!! I couldn't imagine being allergic to dairy!
Cooper and Avery are growing up into such handsome young men!
This is a self portrait I took...I wasn't even trying to get Michael and Owen in the background it just worked out that way...I mean I'm just talented that way.
Owen was having fun rocking in this chair I even caught him checking himself out in the mirror that was behind him.
Paige opening her baby doll.
Camryn loves to play dress up so this gift was spot on!
New sheets for Becky!
Jack got an animal parade, but Owen seemed more interested in it than he did.
Samantha got a Cabbage Patch Kit named Bridget.
Here are our annual Christmas tree pictures. Michael's brother Steve and his family weren't able to come this year because they both had to work until 7pm plus they live in Lacey so it was too far to come that late...especially with all this snow.

Grandma & Grandpa Martin

Rick, Michelle, Avery, Cooper & Paige

Jon, Becky, Camryn & Samantha

Michael, Lyndsay, Owen & Jack

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