Thursday, December 4, 2008

Me or Knee

So we've been trying to get Owen to say his name and for the last two days and when I ask him his name he's says, "Meeee". It's so cute! Well tonight when I asked him is name he said, "Knee".

Another thing we've been doing with him is trying to teach him to count as least to three. I've been counting to three when I turn on the food processor so Owen knows the loud noise is coming. He used to FREAK out whenever I turned on any appliance that made noise so the counting this has helped. When I count now he holds his hands up and uses his fingers like I do, but he always holds up seven fingers and he says, "Free, Free, FREE!"

More new words...

'Eee-Eee' aka Eat

'Oar' aka Door

'ahpul' aka Apple

'Tar' aka Star

'Ah Plane' aka Airplane

'Ahh' aka On or Off depending

'Ow' aka Out

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