Sunday, December 7, 2008

Not Me Monday!

Join in the fun at MckMama's Blog by being brutally honest. It's quite freeing actually!!

1. This last week I did not make blueberry pancakes twice convincing myself that they were actually good for me because I added fruit to them.

2. I also did not let Owen have a banana and peanut butter crackers for lunch twice this week because we were out and about and he's so darn picky. There is no way I would convince myself that it was actually a pretty nutritious lunch because after all peanut butter has protein!!!

3. I did not go shopping with a friend at IKEA and end up buying an IKEA highchair because I was so sick of the hook chair and how disgusting it had gotten because some almost two year old likes to shove food under the arms of the chair. I would never let the chair sit there for days without cleaning out every nook and cranny...nope not ME!!

4. The Sears repairman did not come to our house on Tuesday to fix our broken washer and find out the culprit was little socks that had gotten sucked into the pump. I never wash small articles of clothing without putting them in one of those mesh bag so I have no idea how those got there!!

5. I did not try to stay up really late and be one of the first to post my Not Me Monday's on MckMama's blog. I also would never ever contemplate posting them at 2am just because I'm up because of my crying 6 month old...not me!!

1 comment:

  1. So that's what happens to the baby socks!? I always blamed the dryer :) Great Not Me's. I think the closest I ever got to posting first for Not Me Monday was #12. I'm telling you I think it was a fluke!
