Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You win some you lose some

So I've been making all sorts of things from the Deceptively Delicious cookbook and some have been hits and some misses. The french toast (with yam puree) was a definite hit and so was the macaroni and cheese (with cauliflower puree), but the cheese pizzas (with spinach puree) were not so much. We cut them up into four slices and Owen ate one slice, but then when he noticed there was green stuff on his fingers it was all over. You totally couldn't taste the spinach puree, but it was just the idea of eating something green that he couldn't get over.

I made these applesauce muffins with yam puree the other day and they turned out pretty good. The topping is awesome I just wish they were a little sweeter. Owen will eat them, but if there is something better around like Cheerios...he just throws them and says, "NO". At least he knows what he wants!

Don't they look yummy and they haven't even been baked yet!!!
Oh yeah and I tried to make mozzarella cheese sticks the other day and they just turned into blobs of melted cheese in the skillet. Michael noticed that I didn't have the heat up high enough so maybe we'll try those again some other time.

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