Monday, March 23, 2009


On Saturday we headed down to spend the day at Ga-Ga and Pa's house. Michael needed to paint their master bedroom and I needed to clean. I also had plans for a friend to come over and visit while we were there. This wasn't any old friend though...well actually it was an old friend, but you know what I mean. Stephanie is my old best friend from junior high school. We saw each other for the first time since my high school graduation last month when we got together with another old friend we reconnected with on Facebook. Since then we've been chatting almost everyday and it's been such a joy. Stephanie and I basically grew up together and she's the closest thing I have to a sister. We shared so much and we both have no idea why we lost contact. It wasn't like there was a big disagreement or anything like just happened. But now it's like no time has past. We just picked up right where we were. It's just so easy! We had so much fun on Saturday, Steph and her step daughter Kelsey ended up staying for dinner and before we knew it it was 7:15pm and we needed to head home to get the boys to bed. I'm sure we could have talked for a few more hours at least. I'm so happy that we are back in each others lives. We missed too much over that 10 year separation and I don't want to miss anymore.

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