Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Yesterday we went to the early service at church and then headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's to spend the day with family and friends. Family friends...Jim & Norean came down and so did Michael's parents Rick & Carol, but for some reason I didn't get a picture of them. :(

After we had dinner I "hid" the eggs in the living room and then Michael brought Owen in to hunt them. I bought the super cheap eggs at Wal-Mart so when Owen dropped the first egg, it popped open and candy dropped out that was pretty much the end of the hunt. Instead it became the "stuff as much candy in your face as you can before Mom stops you" game.

This is the first time (that I remember) that we've let Jack have chocolate. I think he liked it!

For the egg hunt we used Owen's frog Easter basket that Ga-Ga & Pa got him for his first Easter back in 2007.

We didn't get Owen or Jack Easter baskets because we knew that Ga-Ga & Pa had it covered. Here is Owen's basket....Elmo of course!

Jack got a cute turtle basket. They both had chocolate bunnies, M & M's and Peanut buttercups. They both got these cute cars that can flip over and pretty much drive over anything. They also got 3 books that play music. Owen got some farm animals, Crayola Color Wonder markers and Play dough. Jack got Cookie Monster, 3 rubber duckies and 3 bibs. Spoiled to say the least!

After a bunch of candy Owen decided it would be funny to put his frog basket on his head. He was right!

Jack decided that the ducks head belonged in his mouth.

Overall it was a great day. The boys had so much fun and were very hyper before bed. The candy is definitely going to be rationed.

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