Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Eating Crayons and Playing Outside

Last Saturday we went to Ga-Ga & Pa's house so Michael could paint another wall in their house. While we were getting ready to go Jack was playing by himself in the dining room. I also Michael to put Jack's coat on and he found Jack over in the corner eating Owen's crayons.
He had little blue bits everywhere! As you can see he was pretty happy about it!

Since it wasn't raining out (yet) we decided to get outside and take advantage of it. This is the first time Owen's gone on the swing like a big boy without sitting on someones lap. He loved it. He did fall off the seat once, but he held on with his hands so he didn't hit the ground.

Of course he spent some good quality time on the slide.

1 comment:

  1. Does he climb the side of it yet? Cameron was climbing his tonight and feel off the side...uh yeah, I about had a heart attack!!
