Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ever since Ga-Ga got Owen Play-Doh in his Easter basket he's been hooked. So last week I took my $10 gift certificate I had for Kohl's and got Owen a cute Play-Doh set that included two containers of Play-Doh, a rolling pin, shape cutters, scissors, a play knife and other toys. Owen has wanted to play with it everyday day. Of course his favorite thing to do is destroy the masterpieces that you make.
Like Michael's Play-Doh man that took him forever to make. It only took Owen 2.5 seconds to destroy it.

While the big boys were making and destroying Play-Doh creations, Jack was having fun chewing on the Play-Doh toys, but soon he got tired of being confined to the highchair and he started throwing a temper tantrum. He's even cute doing that!

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