Friday, April 10, 2009

Point Defiance Zoo

On Monday the boys and I headed out to the Point Defiance Zoo. We were meeting some friends there. It was the most perfect day to go to the zoo! I'm not sure if I've ever been to the Point Defiance Zoo...if I have it was for a field trip many, many years ago. I definitely like this zoo way better than Woodland Park though. It's much smaller which is nice with little kids and the view is spectacular! I'm actually thinking of getting annual was so much fun!
Here's how we started the day. Both boys happy....okay tolerable in the stroller!

It wasn't very long and Jack was riding on my hip in the Moby Wrap. I think I wore him like this for almost 2 hours. He even ate his lunch while he was in the wrap. He never fell asleep, but he was quite happy and for the most part it was really comfortable for me too. I loved having him so close to me.

Of course Owen didn't stay in the stroller for very long either. He had to be out looking at all the animals with the other big kids. He did a really great job of listening to me and holding my hand or the hand holds of the stroller. I'm so proud of him!

We came with my friend Julie and her two kids - Louise & Kadyn and Julie's friend Tamra and her daughter Heather. It was nice hanging out with other moms and I love getting together with other kids so Owen can play. When Owen and Kadyn were getting pretty tired we let them run around in this open area. They had so much fun running all the way to the other end and back.


I'm gonna get you Owen!

I'm catchin' up!

Owen loved the sharks...well he loved all the animals. When we went to Woodland Park last summer he wasn't really into it, but this time he got it. At every animal station he would get upset when we had to leave and he would say 'more' or 'again'. I finally started having him say 'bye-bye' and blow a kiss to the animals so that made it easier for him to leave.

All the kiddos except Jack...Kadyn, Owen, Heather & Louise.

There is this great Discovery Kids area where the kids can climb, jump, slide, play in sand and water, go through tunnels and more. Jack of course crawled right over and put a piece of rubber in his mouth. It was supposed to be the "rock" for this tunnel area.

Louise doesn't like babies at all...can't you tell!

He's leaving the nest so soon! Sniff Sniff!

Ahhh....slides Owen's other best friend!

Again!!!!! I second that...we will definitely be going again!

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