Saturday, April 4, 2009

Random Photo Challenge

Today's challenge from Brittany is to post the 33rd picture from your February 2008 folder or your 17th folder. I choose my the 33rd photo from my 17th folder.

Owen is 10 months old here. He's playing with the dinosaur toy that Aunt Linda gave us. This toy is still out and he still plays with it. Not so much with the balls that came with it, but he drives his cars down the neck of the dinosaur and has them come out the mouth or he takes his Sesame Street characters and lines them up on the tail. Jack will be 10 months old tomorrow, but he doesn't seems to care for it that much....unless Owen is playing with it!


  1. Cute! That toy looks like something that my son would love too!

  2. Isn't it funny how one kid really loves one toy and the other doesn't seem to care for it? Cute picture.
