Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random Photo Challenge

It's back!!! Our challenge this week from Brittany is to post the 42nd photo (or 4th if you don't have that many...I was surprised that I did) from either your April 2008 folder or 13th folder.
So here is the 42nd photo from my April 2008 folder.

This was just at the beginning of our yard project last year. Michael is digging a trench around the driveway in order to build the forms to lay the curbing. What a job! Now that I look back on it, it was definitely the start of Owen becoming a bigger boy and want to be just like Daddy. And if you're wondering I think my husband will forgive me for posting a picture of him with his underwear showing...after all I've posted a
photos of him in the tub before. :)


  1. I love it when they start to "help", my girls love to help out around the house "dusting" and "tidying".Cute photo and i didn't notice the underwear til you pointed it out lol!

  2. Spring is always a great time to work in the yard!! My pic for the challenge was while we were doing a backyard project too!

  3. Haha, great pic!!! It's so much work but well worth it in the End, right?

  4. Very cute...our little guy always wanted to "help" his daddy as well. It always took him twice as long to do anything but never complained about it.
