Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Temporary Addition

From Friday night to Sunday morning Michael and I watched our niece Samantha while her parents went on a mini vacation. It was fun and quite exhausting having 3 kids in the house under 3. Plus Michael ended up having to work all day so it was just me for most of the day. Now I'm the one that needs a mini vacation.

For the most part Samantha did great. She loves to love on Jack, but she's a little rough sometimes so she heard the word "no" a few times. Owen was actually the one that had the hardest time. He's a very routine kid and this just was way out of the norm for him. He's also not into sharing his toys right now so that made it rough. Owen did lovingly start referring to Samantha as "Mantha". He would point to her chair and say, "Mantha chair" or her sippy and say, "Mantha sippy".

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