Thursday, August 27, 2009

13 Weeks

So I'm now in my 2nd trimester and I'm totally feeling it...better that is! The 2nd trimester is the best. I'm definitely not getting nauseous like I was before, my appetite has come back and I don't have to take a nap everyday. I'm also not getting up 3 - 4 times a night to pee. Thank you Lord! This wonderful bliss should last for the next 3 months or so. YAHOO!

I swear I look and feel like I'm 5 months pregnant when I'm only 3 though. I mean look at me!

I'm already HUGE!!!

Okay, okay I know that was an overstatment. I'm no where near as big as I'm going to get, but for only being 13 weeks along I'm pretty big. I'm now finding it harder to get dressed in the morning. My normal clothes are getting too tight, but my maternity clothes are still a little big. I've had to get creative with my clothing choices that's for sure. The only downsize so far has been this pain I get in my left hip and lower back. I'm sure I'll be making a trip to the chiropractor before too long.

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