Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This last week the weather was a lot cooler than it was just a few weeks ago. It's funny how it can go from over 100 degrees to 60 degrees in such a short time. Not that I'm complaining 100 degrees was a bit much. We did get quite used to that hot weather though so since it was cooler the boys wanted to wear their coats to go outside. Of course they had to have their hoods up.
We had fun playing outside and digging up the veggies that had seen better days. Owen wanted to go over to our neighbors so I told him to go ring their doorbell and see if they were home. He did just that after double checking with me if it was really okay. I heard Vonda answer the door quite surprised and then I heard Owen say, "Hi Vonda!" He was so happy that she was home. After I finished pulling out the old lettuce Jack and I headed over there to hang out too. Of course Owen had scored himself some candy while he was there. We had been playing for about 10 minutes when Owen looked at Frank, Vonda's husband, and said, "All done Frank!" It was his way of saying okay I'm done here...let's go home. I love how he's figuring out how he wants to spend his time and telling me about it.

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