Friday, September 18, 2009

The Bouncy Place / Kadyn's 3rd Birthday

On Monday night we were invited to go to The Bouncy Place and celebrate Owen's friend Kadyn's birthday. I have never taken the boys there before. We had our own section that was set aside especially for us. It was called The Adrenaline Zone and it had 4 different bounce things.

This was the big obstacle course/slide one.

I couldn't get a good picture of this one, but it was huge and had so many slides and tunnels it looked like a blast. Of course I couldn't join in on the fun since I'm pregnant. I would have just gone in anyway and not gone crazy, but they had a lady there watching us to make sure we weren't breaking any rules.

This one didn't have anything fun in was just good for jumping around.

This one was known as The Colosseum and it had basketball hoops and football stuff in it.

The boys all got to have a great time.

Even Daddy was enjoying himself!

Once Owen took off he was really off...he loved it!

Daddy got so tired trying to keep up with this busy boy!

Owen loved climbing threw the obstacle courses....

and up the STEEP ladders...

and going down the HUGE slides....all by himself!!! In fact Michael said that there were older kids that were having trouble doing some of the things that Owen was doing.

Daddy climbing all the way up the steep slide holding Jack. He said it was really scary doing that because you really need two hands to hold on. I'm glad I didn't know that while he was doing it.

Jack didn't really like bouncing around all that much, but the he loved walking...

trying to get into the bouncy toys...

and chewing on water bottles.
After bouncing around for an hour we headed into the party room to celebrate Kadyn.

Kadyn is really into Spiderman right now so his mom Julie made him these special cupcakes.

They forgot to bring a candle so they used a carrot instead. They asked him to pretend to blow it out, but he just looked at them like they were nuts and then took the carrot out of the cupcake and ate it. Cute kid!

Owen was so exhausted after all that jumping. You can totally see it in his eyes. We decided to leave before the presents were opened because we could see a major meltdown coming on. In the car Owen told us he was "reelly tired".

Jack had so much fun stuffing his mouth with grapes and olives. I thought he was eating them, but he was just storing them up for winter. I ended up having to get him to spit them out because he refused to chew them up. The Bouncy Place is definitely a place I think we will be going this winter when the weather is all yucky outside and the boys need to get some energy out.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Next time I wanna go!!
    It looks like so much fun..knew that Owen would love it.
    I think it is so funny about the carrot for a candle!!!!
    See you tonight..MOM
