Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Lights & Cocoa

I've been wanting to take the boys out to see Christmas lights since Owen loves them so much. Of course he calls them "Chrimas lights" and Jack calls them "Eyets"
It's been super cold so we really wanted to make sure the boys were warm, coats with hoods, hats and gloves. I was hoping we would be able to walk through the neighborhood so I even brought Jack's snowsuit in case we needed it.

Ga-Ga and Pa came over for dinner and we all hopped in their car and went together. Owen and Daddy got to sit in the way back, while Jack and I sat in the middle seats.

Jack sat lower in Ga-Ga & Pa's car than he does in ours so he could only see the lights that were up high on the house...when he did see them he would go, "Ooooooo!"

We went to this neighborhood called Lake Wilderness, normally this neighborhood is just packed with cars because the lights are so amazing. I'm not sure if we went a little early in the month or if this was just another sign of the economy, but there weren't very many lights up at all. Plus there were over 10 houses for sale in the neighborhood. It was kind of sad really!

After we looked at the lights it was time to go to Starbucks for some hot cocoa. Jack already looks like he's had a few too many here!

Owen did not sleep at all during nap time today so he wasn't in a very smiley mood. He was upset that we stopped looking at lights and he was trying to keep himself awake. chocolate, with whipped cream and caramel sauce on top! Oh yeah!!!

It was fun to spend a night out with Ga-Ga & Pa!

This kid loves coffee, but he okay with Daddy's caramel apple cider too!

Look at that mustache!

Jack just kept going from one cup to the next.

Chilling out for a moment with Mama...and I do mean a moment!

Time to go Pa!

Owen and Daddy are ready!

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