Saturday, July 10, 2010

Game Night

To start off the 4th of July weekend the boys and I made decorations for our front window. I drew the flag and the boys colored on paper and I cut out their coloring into star shapes.
Later on Saturday we had friends over for a BBQ and game night. We of course had to use all my Americana dishes and decorations.

Michael made the hot dogs...gourmet hot dogs. They are so good!

We all ate on the deck, but the boys were really hungry so they ate first.

Ella has been enjoying her Exersaucer so she was in there during dinner.

Once we started playing games Ella went to bed and the boys watched Toy Story 2. We played Mexican Train, Sequence and Cranium. Everyone stayed until 10 and it was a blast. I can't wait for the next game night.

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