Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Family Photos!

While GG was out here for Pa's birthday we decided to head to Sears and get new family pictures taken.
I think the family photo turned out SO good. Everyone is looking and none of the kids are frowning. I love the little matter of fact look on Ella's face!

Ga-Ga & Pa lookin' good!

It was so fun to include Stephie in our family pics since she will very soon be legally part of our family. Of course we already think of her as family! Don't you love the ring action going on!!!

I love this pictures of us with the exception of Ella's sweet face. She's looks so...unsure! But seriously for an almost 5 month old she did great. The boys did really well!!!

Back at Owen's 2nd birthday pictures we got a picture of just Michael and the boys so we decided to do that again. Love those guys in my life!!

Since we got pictures of the boys we needed pictures of the girls! My sweet angel baby!

And last but not least...GG with all the kids!

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