Tuesday, November 16, 2010

9 Months Old!

I cannot believe Ella is 9 months old today!!!

I'm not sure how much you weight since your 9 month appt isn't until December, but you are definitely healthy. You are fitting nicely into your 9 month clothes though.

You are crawling all over the place. You can even find us now if we are in another room. Thankfully you haven't really paid attention to the stairs yet! (Watch I probably just jinxed myself by saying that!)

The downside to you crawling all over the place is your poor brothers have to put up with you getting into all their toys! :)

Even though you are crawling you spend probably the same amount of time if not more standing. You will crawl over to something and pull yourself up to a standing position. You've been letting go a lot and just standing there on your own. Daddy and I are sure you are going to be the fastest walker.

Last week you started cruising around the coffee table. It's super funny, but you only go one way...counter clockwise...I've never seen you go the other way.

You can high five and wave bye bye. Tonight while saying night night to Daddy it sounded like you actually said, "Nigh Nigh"

Even since you had that bad fever you haven't been eating the best. You can't make up your mind about whether or not you want baby food or just plain table food.

You cry mainly when Mama sets you down and walks away to do something. You also cry at funny times like when we aren't fast enough with getting food in your mouth or if I don't put you in your crib fast enough when you are tired. Every night I try to snuggle you before putting you in your crib and you just start crying and pushing away....you love your sleep.

Speaking of sleep you are sleeping 12 hours a night and you take two 2 - 2:30hr naps everyday.

You really are a very happy, sweet content baby and it's just amazes me that you've been in our arms for 9 months already. Love you so much baby girl!

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