Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another First!

About a week and a half ago I walked into Ella's room to get her from her nap. She had been talking for a little while by the time I made it to her room. When I walked in I saw her standing up in her crib. Oh my word...she looked SO cute! I wanted to run out and find the camera right then, but I knew she would have FREAKED out and cried so hard. So I resisted...I mean it's not like she was never going to stand up in her crib again!

I think this is probably the 3rd or 4th time she stood up in her crib. It's still so cute to see her do this. She's such a little shrimp it just doesn't seem like she should be doing this yet.

Side note: The boys seriously think it's their job to go wake Ella up. They never do it when it's not time...thankfully! But the moment I say I'm going to get her I hear Owen say, "No, Mama that's MY job!"

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