Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carving Pumpkins!

On Saturday night we finally had a chance to carve our pumpkins that we got at Scholz Farms earlier in October. Unfortunately our pumpkins were in pretty sorry shape. I'm not sure if it had to do with the seriously wet summer we had, but both of the pumpkins I got to carve were rotting already. Which meant I couldn't use any of the seeds for roasting...I was SO bummed! Even though they were rotting I still carved them...it was just a bit more gross than normal. In fact I didn't even scoop out all the guts because it was like scooping out soup! Ewww!!!

For this pumpkin I let Owen dictate everything. He picked the shapes for the eyes, nose and mouth and he showed me right where he wanted them to go. He was so proud!

It looked cute all lite up!

This is my first time trying to do something other than a face and I just free handed it. I thought it turned out pretty good!

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