Thursday, November 18, 2010

Creative Time = Therapy!

Today was a really rough day at our house. Owen was whiny from the moment he got up and Jack just up and decided after 3 weeks of potty training to NOT go in the potty. By the time nap time came around Michael and I were done and I mean D-O-N-E!!!! While Michael played on his computer I was downstairs getting my frustration out by being creative.

I've been wanting to buy a nice card box since I make my own cards, but my friend Kim gave me a better idea...why not make one! She's a genius! So I used the box that my envelopes came in from Paper Zone and I decorated it with paper, stickers and ribbon. I didn't want to over do it and I think it turned out perfect.

For the inside I made dividers for the different types of cards - Birthday - Holidays - Thank You - Friendship - Thinking Of You - Congratulations. It was really fun to do and it didn't take as long as I thought it would. It's so nice to finally get this project crossed off my 'To Do' list!

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