Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First Snow Of The Season!

So I ended up buying more storage for my blog. You get 1 free GB of storage space with blogger and it cost me $5 per year to get 20 more GB. It's taken me almost 4 years to take up 1 GB so it should be a LONG time before I use up 20 more....and $5 a year is cheap.

Yesterday morning at first we only had a dusting. We don't have proper snowsuits for the boys so we just do the layered thing.

Miss Kim came over with Andy and Josiah. We had planned a crafty sort of morning and the snow wasn't that bad.

By the time Kim left though it had snowed a bunch more and it took over 2 hours for her to get home. She normally only lives 7 minutes away! She ended up having to park her van at Lowe's and her husband Micah came and picked them up in their car that they have chains for. Yesterday was just all around crazy when it came to driving!

My friend Erin gave us a couple bodysuits for Ella. She's almost too small for this one.

Later after lunch we went out again to play in the fresh snow.

We were thinking about taking a walk so I put Ella in the Babyhawk carrier. I also put her in one of the other bodysuits and this one fit her better.

The boys had fun sliding down the easement. We really need to get some sleds. We saw a bunch of people today walking down the road with them. I remember sledding when I was younger...so much fun!!!

The boys mainly just had fun walking around making tracks and getting snow all over their boots.

Michael loves to make snowmen...

and snowwomen!

I know there are a lot of people out there that don't like the snow, but I really enjoy it and I hope we get tons more this season!

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