Friday, December 17, 2010


Owen and Jack drive each other crazy about 60% of the time, but they are brothers! They do have their moments of willingly being kind to the other. Last Sunday Owen went up to his big boy class for Children's Church while Jack stayed in the Nursery. I came up to get Owen once church was over and Michael and Jack followed behind me. When Owen saw Jack down the hall he went running and saying, "Jack...Jack!!!" He really missed his brother! I'm so glad they have each other and I know this sibling rivalry won't last forever. I pray that they will see the blessing that it is to have each other!

Side note: We went to the WIC office on Friday and the boys had to be weighed...drum roll please...Owen at 1 month shy of being 4 years old is finally 30lbs!!! Jack at 2 1/2 years old came in at a whooping 28lbs!!! No wonder he can push his older brother around!

1 comment:

  1. My brother and I did our fair share of arguing and fighting growing up, but now that we're both adults - at least legally, I'm not sure I'm there mentally yet - I couldn't ask for a better friend. I'm sure that's the way it will be for Owen & Jack too.

    Oh, and on a side note, both my brother and I are well over 30 lbs now.
