Saturday, December 4, 2010

Scavenger & Bubbles

This is where I found Ella on Tuesday afternoon after she already ate a half a grilled cheese sandwich.

Under Jack's chair...eating the bits of grilled cheese sandwich he had dropped!

She's such a cute piggo! While Ella was eating inside the boys were outside playing with bubbles.

I just had to include this picture I got of Jack...I LOVE his eyelashes! Heavenly!

Check out Owen's new winter coat courtesy of Ga-Ga! It's so nice!

Daddy added Karo syrup to the normal bubbles that come in the bottle so that helped them not pop so easily.

The boys even got to use their bubble blowers they got in their Easter baskets.

All the while...Ella sat inside munching on the rest of the grilled cheese and checking out her brothers!

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