Monday, December 6, 2010


So it's been a while since I've updated on things the kids are doing.


- Is turning into such a big boy. He can almost dress and undress himself totally unassisted. I know that a lot of kids are stripping before they are even one years old, but not my kids so this is a HUGE milestone for him.

- Is brushing his teeth by himself
- Can almost count to 20.

- Wants to know how you spell everything and has even started to sound out words.

- Knows when his birthday is now and will tell you.

- Sitting in a big boy booster chair in the car instead of a car seat.


- Is still potty training. He is doing really well, but sometimes he gets lazy. He is pretty consistent about not going in his night-night undies during naps and sometimes he can make it all night long! During the day he still has to be watched because he hasn't gotten to the point where he will tell us when he has to go...we just have to take him!

- Can count to 5.

- Knows all his colors

- Has an unsatisfiable love for books
- Says the most hilarious thing when he falls down...."I'm okay!" and then gets up runs off.


- Is 16lbs 14oz...the heaviest any of our kids have been at 9 months old.

- Just pulled herself up to a standing position directly from the floor without using anything for help.

- Has said two words so far. About a month ago at bedtime she said, "Nigh Nigh" and waved to Daddy. Then on Saturday after eating dinner with Ga-Ga & Pa as we were walking out of the restaurant she said, "Bu Bye" and waved.

- Is now letting me snuggle her before I put her in her crib. I've been singing the song, Baby Love to her and she loves it. During a certain part in the song I pat her back to the beat and now she has started to pat my back as well!

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