Saturday, February 5, 2011

Marshmallow Guns!

Remember when I mentioned someone blessing us with gift cards. We were blessed 4 times! It was so amazing! One of the gift cards was to Michael's and it was for me to use on my crafts. I did buy a few things like glue, floral wire and mini muffin tin...well technically I haven't bought that yet because they were out, but I'm going to. I also spent $4 on the boys and got them marshmallow guns.

We've wanted to make these for the boys out of PVC pipes for awhile, but I couldn't pass these by for just $2 a piece. We also had a bunch of groceries given to us during the holidays and included in that was a huge bag of mini marshmallows so we have tons of ammo!
Owen and I had fun shooting the marshmallows....I was surprised how far they would go! It was so nice to be outside laughing with my kids.

Jack tried to shoot, but he didn't really understand it or have patience for it. He did however understand that when the marshmallows flew across the yard he could run over and eat them!

I think we'll be getting a lot of use out of these!

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