Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Awe....

Today is Michael's first day at his new job!!!!

I'm still in a state of shock over the whole thing. This is a real job and for real legitimate company! We are so blessed! Is it weird to say that after stuggling immensely for over 15 months? It is a little, but at the same time we always knew....even when I would go through my emotional ups and downs...that God had something bigger and better for us. HOPE...it's a wonderful thing!

There are a few funny signs per se that make me smile when I think about the whole situation. For starters we found out about this job from our friend Dan last summer when he got a promotion at the water district on his birthday....July 14th...which is also Michael's birthday.

The reason there was a job opening at the water district is because one of the workers quit. A week or so ago Dan forgot his sweatshirt at home and went into this old coworkers locker to wear one of his sweatshirts. All of the sweatshirts have the workers initials on them and that's when Dan noticed the initials on the sweatshirt were MM...same as Michael.

One of the biggest things that I feel God did in showing us this was for us was the fact that Michael got the job offer on Thursday morning at about 9am and later that day at 2pm Boeing announced they got the tanker deal. I know that might sound funny, but for a LONG time we were sure that Boeing would be our saving grace. We were just sure that a job with Boeing would come through and would be for us. About a month ago I started really seeing things differently. For starters if Michael had gotten a job at Boeing it would most likely have been in Everett and it would have most definitely been swing shift. Swing shift is the worst thing EVER!!! He would have had to leave before I put the kids down for nap since the drive would have been so long. He would have been gone for dinner, bath time and bedtime! Plus when you work swing shift you never do anything! There is never anytime to go anywhere as a family during the week. Now that Boeing has the tanker deal they are going to hire 11,000 people in WA alone. If that had happened before Michael got the job offer I'm sure we would have gone back and forth about the water district and Boeing...should he wait....is this what God wants...blah blah blah! I'm so glad it was much more simple than that!

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