Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prize Fighter!

This was our sweet Ella on Tuesday afternoon. Her eye had started to swell on Monday and slowly got worse. Her eyes also started getting really goopy. I called the nurse on Monday and she said that it was probably just a normal reaction to the cold she's had for so long, but if it was worse in the morning to come in. Well on Tuesday morning it was definitely worse! First off her poor eye was stuck shut with the sticky goop and it was more swollen and the eyelid was all red. It was spa day at MOPS so I decided to go, but I had a doctor appointment scheduled for right after.

Thankfully my wonderful friend Kim came over and watched the kids...including Logan. This was Michael's first day of work mind you! Great first day for Mama, right? Well after our two hour excursion to the doctor and the pharmacy we were armed with antibiotics and eye drops. I still have no clue what was actually wrong with her! Ever since Ella's 2 emergency room visits with her mouth laceration she absolutely freaks out whenever anyone who has a stethoscope even remotely looks at her. So when the doctor was talking to me she was screaming and since I was holding her and her mouth was quite close to ear I couldn't hear one darn word he was saying. Thankfully she is looking MUCH better...she hates the eye drops though and I've had to resort to mixing her liquid meds in with her baby food since she refuses to take it alone.

On Wednesday Owen's eye started to look swollen and was goopy too so I've been giving him the same eye drops and tonight Jack's eye looked a little swollen as well. We have literally been sick at our house since the middle of January! I had about a week reprieve, but that's about it! I'm SO sick of being sick. We are doing all the normal things you should do too...wash your hands, drink plenty of fluids, rest, vitamins, lots of laundry and we've sprayed the house with Lysol 3 times!!! I don't get it....well I guess I do get it...get it?

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