Saturday, May 28, 2011

FlyLady - Day 3

Day 3 - Do What We Have Already Done

Because you know it's takes around 21 days to form a habit FlyLady is serious about you starting out by taking baby steps and getting used to the process. So yesterday my goal was to keep my sink shiny and get myself dressed to lace up shoes. I'm loving this slow pace and the fact that in every correspondence that FlyLady sends this is the message at the bottom of the email...

"You are not behind! I don't want you to try to catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are. O.K.?"

I don't know about you, but when I jump on the band wagon of something new I always try to go full in. Like working out...instead of just walking a mile I want to go for the whole 4 miles! Of course by the second day I can barely move and it's all over for working out. Starting slow is going to be good for me. It's going to stick and I know it!'s the but! FlyLady does have some tricks up her sleeve. I mentioned correspondence earlier...FlyLady sends out LOTS of emails. She does say don't worry about reading them all...just read the ones you want and delete the rest. They are emails that are filled with tips and testimonials and even challenges for yourself. Yesterday I was challenged to declutter the kitchen for 15 mins, living room for 15 mins, the bathroom for 15mins and then give myself 15 mins of rest. The key here is SET A TIMER!!!

I take my cellphone with me everywhere so I set my alarm clock and I was off. I was planning on taking before and after pics, but I just got going and forgot about it. Of course what should have taken exactly an hour took longer. After the bathroom was cleaned I had to get the kids a snack and then I started with the next phase and then it was time for Ella to go to bed, but it all worked out. At first I was really thinking how can I spend 15 mins decluttering my bathroom...I don't really have clutter in there, but then I opened cabinet under the sink....hmmm I haven't touched a bunch of that stuff in a while. So organization commenced!

I didn't really have that much to do in the living room so I added on the playroom to that section and did a little organization in there. The kitchen I wasn't able to completely finish, but that's the key with the steps remember! There is a section in the kitchen that I'm saving for Michael since it's all his stuff so it's his job to do!

Overall I really have felt better about myself....did you know that FLY stands for Finally Loving Yourself! Taking care of my house and my family and myself makes me a better mom, wife, friend and person. On Thursday night I even came downstairs AFTER the kids were in bed to make sure my sink was shiny for the next morning!

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