Saturday, August 13, 2011

Even Butter Isn't Safe In Our House!

On Wednesday when I was making dinner I took a half a stick of butter out of the refrigerator to make Alfredo Sauce and put it on the island. After being interrupted and leaving the kitchen to go do something I came back to this...

We have a butter-loving 3 year old in our house! Seriously look at the chunk taken out of that! That just makes my stomach turn, but Jack loves it!

Here's a little video of me asking him what happened. Of course once Owen found out that Jack got a bite of butter he wanted one, but he didn't seem as enthusiastic about it. My favorite part about the movie is when Jack says that butter is scrumptious!

If you were curious about what we ended up having it was Peppered Shrimp Alfredo from The only thing we left out was the cayenne pepper since the kids don't like spicy food. We also made the Alfredo Sauce from scratch...the only thing we did different from that recipe was add some cream cheese to all the other ingredients. Dinner was so...well scrumptious!   

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