Tuesday, December 6, 2011

MOPS Christmas Brunch!

Today was our MOPS Christmas Brunch...it's one of my favorite MOPS meetings of the year. I love the fellowship, the decorations, the food, the caroling...everything is just great! Another reason it was great was because the 4 & 5 year old class came down and recited scripture verses and sang songs for us moms. This was the first time Owen has done anything like that and we had been practicing for weeks so he would know what to do.

Here is Owen's class....left to right - Madison, Phillip, Owen & Laurel. Of course Owen got fixated on the microphone and asked to hold it I don't know how many times. Overall though he did great since he's still 4. I was super proud of him and he made everyone giggle. Cute little show stopper!

On a serious note I LOVED to memorize scripture when I was growing up and hiding God's Word in your heart is one of the best things ever and I truly hope that all our kids have a passion for it as they grow.

One of the songs the kids sang for us was The Ten Commandments From God. Enjoy!

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