Friday, March 2, 2012

Update On Cookie Sheet Chalkboards!

Last Tuesday the ladies got to make their cookie sheet chalkboards. It was definitely a hit!

Here's my chalkboard hung up in my kitchen. It's been fun writing what we are going to have for dinner on it. You might notice a small addition that I've added since I first blogged about these. The idea came to me while I was laying in bed and I literally said, "I'm a genius" out loud! See in the lower right corner....that's an old plastic film canister hot glued to the cookie sheet as a chalk holder! Genius!!!

 I don't think Rebecca had even finished hers when her son Silas decided it would be fun to play with. :)

There were 4 extras so I decided to  make the kids their very own chalkboards.

Since little hands like to pick at things I decided to laminate their names.

Here is Logan's super late birthday present. The flower and Girly Girl sign are actually magnets! For my kids I think I'm going to use these in the car so I want to get my hands on some Altoids containers and I'm going to put magnets on them and that's what can hold their chalk.

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