Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day!

On Mother's Day I was woke up by the kiddos voices saying "Happy Mother's Day" and then was given a card that each of them "signed". Jack helped Daddy make the breakfast for me....pancakes and bacon! Ever since Sunday Owen keeps saying "Happy Mother's Day" to me numerous times a day. So cute! After church on Sunday we swung by Michael's parents house to drop off his Mom's card and then we came down to my parents house.

The weather was perfect for hanging out in the backyard all day long! My mom had set up the kids pool and then we set up the new slip and slide that she bought them for $3 at a garage sale.

The slip and slide is a side by side racing slide and it came with boogie boards for the kids.

It took the kids a while to get the hang of actually sliding on the water was really cold from the hose. Eventually they developed a system of sliding on the slip and slide and then jumping in the pool to warm up...Ga-Ga had filled it with warm water.

Ella took a nap once we got there, but after a couple hours I woke her up and she got her suit on and looked all ready to join in the fun.

Poor girl fell off our bed that morning and got a rug burn under her nose. Thankfully that didn't happen last Sunday when we had maternity/family pictures taken.

Once Ella was in her suit she wasn't too sure about this whole getting in the pool thing so Aunt Stephie and Ga-Ga tried to show her.

Uncle Ry to the rescue...she wasn't having it one bit!

When Aunt Stephie was in the pool the boys took the opportunity to try to get her wet. They had a lot of fun playing around!

Earlier that morning I was painting my toenails and Ella wanted hers painted too. I only have really dark nail polish so I told her Ga-Ga would paint her nails later. This was the first time she's had to nails painted.

Ga-Ga did her toes first.

Cute pretty cheeser girl!

Then she did her fingernails.

So pretty! It was a wonderful Mother's Day spending time with family enjoying the sun!

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